
Showing posts from June 12, 2011


To the witch who had her dog and cat off leash outside the community centre this morning : I have a life , thank you very much and it does not include you. I want to walk my husband to the bus stop in the morning with my dog ( who is on a leash as per the By-law 9150 ) . I don't want to 'socialise' with you - neither does my dog . Or my husband. Just because you have a dog it doesn't mean we have to 'socialise' with you. When told of the By-law 9150, you responded that it did not apply to you. Really? You must be from another planet. Or dimension. It is idiots like you that gives all dog owners a bad name. There you are at 8:15 am, hanging out outside the community centre with your dog and cat, with nowhere to go, nothing to do, no one to talk to, not a human being in sight. It is YOU that needs a life. Desperately. I hope you get the large fine you so rightfully deserve. Oh, wait, I guess the law doesn't apply to you, you witch! And your little dog, ...