50 things upon turning 50
I'm turning 50 on Tuesday. I thought by now I would have something pithy and profound to say but I don't. So I will revert to my love of lists and close with 50 things I have learned this 50 years I have lived on this planet. 1. It is vital to laugh every day. 2. Years from now all things that happened to you will be funny. Truly. 3. Drink 2 litres of water daily. 4. Always take time to rest. 5 Do what you love. 6. If you have to do what you hate, find a way to make it fun. 7. Find a few great friends. 8. Hang on to them. 9. Signal and shoulder check when turning. 10. Have pets. 11. Have a garden. 12. Do not go camping. 13. Do not do double shots of tequila and then smoke pot. 14. Do not eat expired cheese. 15. Do not run for the bus. 16. If it feels wrong, it probably is. 17. Apologise quickly when necessary. 18. Eat fresh food as much as you can. 19. Eat junk food once a month. 20. Don't be afraid to treat yourself. 21. Don`t be stingy; buy others g...