I love chips! Yesterday, I got a big bag at Costco ( and I mean the BIG) bag. Plain with salt. My favourite. I love them. I can eat the whole bag- well maybey not a whole Costco bag but the smaller bigger one. I could never have an eating disorder, I love food too much. YUM. I love everything except: octopus, organ food of any kind, mussels, squid, and oysters. My favourite foods are: toast, pasta, steak, lobster, cheese , and chips. I am lucky in that I live with someone who does all the cooking. I love to eat but I don't like to cook. I like to eat. And do the dishes. And shop for food. Food glorious food- where would I be without it? People often ask me how I got to be this tall. It's because I ate so many Big Macs. Honestly.