
This was on the wall when I went for my wardrobe fitting for Happy Face Killer. Happiness is a way of life: getting up in the morning and being happy all day no matter what. Easier said than done some days. Being happy is our natural state. So why is it so damn hard sometimes to choose happiness? Bad habits? Negative thinking? Bad and negative people/places/things/times/events? No one thinks inside my head except for me. Therefore, if I am not happy in the present moment it is up to me to change it or ride it out until it disappears. For example, when my dad died suddenly I took to my bed for two weeks. I was unbearably and inconsolably sad. People told me that I would " never get over it " but as the years go on the sadness has evaporated. I still miss my Dad and think about him several times a day, but the sadness has dissipated. Other life events have taken its place and I have found myself living a rainbow of experiences and emotions. The solution I have found...