God Bless us, everyone!

Memories of Dysfunction and Xmas Drama past:

It's family time. For some this means joy, for most it means returning home and dealing with the devil. Below are some choice examples.

( I have left out names to protect both the innocent and their divilgers )

1. A sister who left a restaurant and sat in the car because she wasn't
consulted that she and her siblings would be picking up the Xmas dinner cheque for her parents. She pouted for 3 days.

2. A father who greeted his son ( who hadn't been home for Xmas in 7 years ) at the door with ,
" You idiot! Why did you cross the front lawn? There's snow on your shoes ! "

3. A mother, who, still in her nightie at 3pm, screamed at her daughter ( in front of company ),
" I told you too keep the goddamn cat off the turkey! "

4. A sister who screamed at the table,
" Mom! Give me my food so I can get out of here!"

5. A cousin put her new china nativity set on the mantle piece. As the Catholic family members ooohed and ahhed, the Joseph figurine fell to the floor and broke. The atheist brother in law said, " Joseph killed himself because he wasn't the real father. "
Total silence.

I could go on, but you get the idea.
I have no advice except to say this is a tricky time of year. Beware the dysfunction but know it will rear it's ugly head. It has to.
We are dealing with family, after all.

And, hey, It'll be over before you know it!
I invite my followers to contribute their horror stories. If they dare.


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