Terrible Two?

Last week, My sister was here visiting me with her two year old son.
I child - proofed the apartment before their arrival: hid everything, tied/locked things up in preparation for what is supposed to be the ' terrible two's' arrival.
I expected the place to be trashed by the little hellion.
Surprise, surprise! I have to say I think that is a bit of a myth because my darling nephew did not drink bleach, rip my cashmere sweaters, or colour on the wall using lipstick. He went to bed nicely and his only moment of 'terrible two-ness' was when he poured water on the floor, but I let it slide ( my sister gave him a time out ).
I think the trick to avoiding the terrible two's moments is best described in one word:
Outside. Children like to be outside, running, climbing, playing, screaming and yelling. It is fun for them and tires them out, so that when they are inside they simple don't have the energy to destroy the house. And they are ready for bed.
It's my theory anyway.
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