The Complaint Department

"If you complain nothing happens so you might as well not bother!"
( Monty Python )
Ah yes, one of my favourite quotations.

When to complain, ideed?
When do we decide not to bother and either:
a) suck it up
b) forget it
c) move on
d) ignore, ignore, ignore?
e) stuff it down and let it fester until it pops out on some poor unsuspecting relative lover or spouse?

I have been wondering if I should complain about the following:

-The local barista who insists on asking me personal questions every time I go in for a coffee. ( Where do you work? Where do you live? Do you rent or own- that's a whole other blog- nosy people)
-My noisy neighbours
-The film company that is setting up a generator in the lane

Is it worth it? Will anything come of my complaints?
Or will I be laughed at and end up feeling like I'm H.M. ( High Maintenance).

The older I become, the more discerning I have become about complaining- I try only to complain when absolutley necessary ( ie. when the ceiling at my old place literally fell in on top of me, when someone parked in the lane behind my parking stall and blocked me in ).

I listen to those who complain incessantly and I can hear how ridiculous it is to complain, especially when there is nothing to be done. Sometimes one just has to suck it up. Move on. Ignore. Stuff it down.

But sometimes complaining works - my husband called about the generator ( I was too chicken to make the call) and the film company is moving it.

I'm not sure what to do about the nosy barista .

Maybey the next time she asks me a personal question I will answer: "Never complain, Never explain." (Cole Porter)


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