
Showing posts from 2018

Melissa's Christmas message 2018

Well its been a busy and eventful year. Beaucoup de change, etc. Christmas is always a time of reflection for me, I prefer to be introspective. My message is this: Christmas, like any other holiday, is a celecbration. How you choose spend it/think about it is up to you. On Christmas eve, I watch 'Scrooge', (the 1951 version) and eat steak, lobster and crab. Wether or not you have a good time depends entirely on you. Merry Christmas, to one and all! God Belss us, every one.


Thanks to all the people who have let me down, lied to me, given me nothing, denied me, underestimated me, betrayed me, ignored me, shunned me, written me off, written me out, cast me off....... If it hadn't been for you, I wouldn't be where I am now. Thank you! All my love, Melissa xoxoxo

If I were a rich man

While laying awake last night my thoughts traveled to all my female friends who now have children. They have one thing in common: they have all married a rich man. The ones who have married a poor man are no longer together or together with their child and unhappy. Feminism states that women are equal to men and women can and should have their own money. But many women I know don't, their number one goal, therefore, was to find a rich man if they wanted a child. It is an attractive thing: money. It makes life easier. I married for love. I often wonder what it would have been like to have a child and raise it. I would have wanted to give it everything I had- private school, violin and riding lessons, a pony, a horse, roller skates, ice skates. I did not want to be scraping together a few dollars to buy second-hand clothes for my child. Shopping second- hand for my self is cool, but there is no way I would want to take my child shopping at a thrift store. So there it is. I am much h...


My mother in law passed away suddenly at the beginning of the year. She was the best. I loved her and she loved me. Perhaps the greatest thing about her was that she loved me - wholly, completely, without judgment, unconditionally. I am forever grateful for having been loved by her. How I loved her- Mirta, Milto, Willies, Binkers, Billie JJ, Willie Wonka, Binkies, Winkies, Wiltires. She was kind and caring, fierce and jolly. Everyone she met loved her instantly. This is not the first time I have experienced the sudden passing of a loved one. When someone passes suddenly, apart from the pain and sadness, a sense of urgency is what I feel the strongest. Life is finite. Do what you must. Today. Now.