Coffee- for adults only

Coffee: It's for adults only - children are told it will stunt their growth and make them unnecessarily hyper. Everyone remembers their first cup and the rush that came with it. It wasn't the caffeine; it was the feeling of being grown up at last.

I'm now almost 6 feet tall- is it because of all the tea I drank as a child?

Coffee culture has grown out of a need to get out of the house out of the office, away from a nagging partner/messy roommate/screaming baby/spouse and relax for a few moments without breaking the bank.

Everyone wants to feel like an adult and for those who do not drink alcohol; coffee is the one thing that can to remind one of adulthood. Or if one prefers alcohol, one can drink coffee to get rid of a hangover. Very adult, indeed!

For teenagers unable to get into bars, the local coffee shop is the one place they can go (on the pretext of doing homework) where they can pretend to be adults.
For University students, the coffee shop is a valid replacement for the library and gives poverty stricken students a sense of sophistication- for under $5.00!
For the elderly, the local coffee shop offers a place to catch up on the latest gossip without burning a hole in their pocket.

For bedraggled new mothers, the coffee shop serves two purposes: to re-caffeinate and to connect and commiserate with other sleep deprived mothers.
Dog lovers love to grab a cuppa joe and talk about their dogs, much to the dismay and disgust of non-dog lovers.

Lovers drink coffee and discuss their relationship in depth, while singles sip lattes self consciously and try to appear enlightened while reading the latest self help or spirituality book.
Whatever the case, whatever the time of day, or whatever city, a cup of coffee can refuel, distract, engage or inspire.

Refill, anyone?


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